Cuentacuentos en inglés: "The mirror maker"
Cuentacuentos en inglés: "The mirror maker"
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- Pamplona/Iruña
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Cuentacuentos en inglés: "The mirror maker"

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Con Íñigo García, de Top Ten Academy.

A long time ago, in a village called Preacher’s Corner, there lived a man who had an unbelievable talent. He was able to make the most beautiful mirrors the village had ever seen. But what those people didn’t know is that those mirrors had a secret. Something strange and magic that nobody could imagine. If you want to know more, we’ll be waiting for you!

Edad: + 3 años, en compañía de una persona adulta.

Precio: Gratuito. Con inscripción previa (Se inscribe solo al menor).


Civivox Ensanche

42.811742121544, -1.6352033615112
